Hull & Associates

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Match the Reward to the Person

For Affiliation Motivated Employees (I or S on the DISC):

  • Give recognition in front of others. (I)
  • Personal notes from supervisor. (S)
  • Banquets. (large for I’s, smaller for S’s)
  • Assignments that personal interaction. (I and S)

For Achievement Motivated Employees (D or C on the DISC):

  • Job assignments with increased responsibility.
  • Opportunity to see how they fit into the total picture.
  • Opportunity for advancement.
  • Tangible awards.

For Power Motivated People (D or I on the DISC):

  • On-going program or site named for them.
  • Opportunity to give input into direction of organization/group.
  • Having coffee/lunch with people in authority.
  • Recognition that is broad-based (use of media) and can be seen by people in authority, power.


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