Hull & Associates

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Work through the Recession

Today,when many people feel that job opportunities are bleak, there are still opportunities available but you may have to dig deep to find them.

Keep in mind these tips while you prepare for your job search:

Revamp your skills. Make sure you are up-to-date on all the necessary tools and any software programs that are important to your profession.

Network. Get out and be visible. Ask for help. Networking can get your foot in the door and inform you about opportunities that never get posted in the media. Remember, there are several sites online such as, Linkedin, Facebook and Brightfuse to help you.

Be assertive. Seek out companies that are not hiring as well as those that are. Get out there, think of hidden prospects and look for opportunities that are out of the ordinary.

Focus on the positive. Do not give companies any reason to pass you by. Work on your pitch to employers so you will be ready to sell yourself. Remember, that one size does not fit all. Do your homework and learn what is important for each position and organization where you plan to apply.

Role play. Make sure you are ready for the interview. (See article below) Practice with family and friends before your interview. Think of questions that the interviewer will likely ask and prepare ahead of time. This will give you the confidence you need.

You may have to settle. This is not the time to look for your dream job. You may have to take a pay cut or a step down from your current position. Do not be choosy. Remember it is typically easier to find a job when you have a job.


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