Hull & Associates

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bi-weekly Quotes

Twice a week we will be uploading quotes which correlate with our newsletter topic as well as other topics covered in the blog. Since our latest newsletter is on stress in the workplace, the majority of the quotes will focus on this specific area. We hope you will be able to draw some inspiration from this new addition to our blog.

Hull & Associates


To download this slide, please click here:

Archived Newsletters

We are pleased to announce that in our links section we will have previously released newsletters available for download. These newsletters cover a variety of topics, so please do not hesitate to search through them as they might have some benefitial information for you and your business.

Thanks again for your continued support,
Hull & Associates

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Dear Dr. Mimi,

I am a small business owner and value my employees. Please comment on some of the issues that might be affecting my employees and likewise productivity during the holidays. Also, how flexible should I be when it comes to scheduling time off during the holiday season?
What about depression? Why should employers be aware of depression and how to recognize it and help?

Caring and Concerned

Dear Caring and Concerned,

While the holidays inspire cooperation and a sense of giving, people also have their usual busy schedules and then add things like entertaining, shopping, cooking, decorating, and partying. This results in less sleep and more stress. In addition, some people expect to be happier than perhaps they really are and/or feel left out and become depressed. As a result, you might see increased conflict, short fuses, memory lapses, mistakes, and even physical illness. All this can contribute to decreased quality and productivity at the workplace.

So what should you do? Let your employees know that you appreciate how busy and stressed they are. Help them prioritize and focus on work commitments at work. Avoid adding unnecessary activities or projects and do schedule realistically.
As a small business, let your employees participate in determining how many and when people are needed to keep the business productive. Have people schedule themselves for work and have a back-up plan in place for emergencies. Consider a rotating preference schedule, with those getting first preferences now, going to the end of the list later. Smile, praise, and recognize cooperation and most important keep your own spirits high and positive so people will want to come to work.

Signs of depression include being discouraged, withdrawing or acting differently from his or her normal work behavior. This can occur for a variety of reasons. There may have been a loss or change (death or divorce or a move) in the past year that makes this holiday season different. There may be a sense of being overwhelmed or possibly feeling excluded.

While it is important for an employer to focus on workplace issues and performance, a good reminder for all is to not let the holidays control them but rather to be proactive and disciplined. Don't spend more than you can afford. Focus on others rather than yourself. Help others by volunteering at a non-profit agency or place of worship. Don't wait to be invited to do something. Invite others to join you. Eat properly, watching fat, sugar and consumption of alcohol (a depressant). And as always, concentrate on the many blessings that are bestowed upon us daily. In other words, keeping focused during the holidays is a function of a positive attitude. Even if you can't control, the way you feel, you can control the way you act. If you act the way you want to feel, the feelings will often follow.

Dr. Mimi

Mimi Hull, Ph.D. is President of Hull & Associates, a human relations and organizational development consulting firm that helps businesses and people become more productive through leadership, team building, strategic planning and conflict management.


Welcome to our Blog. We hope that you will take the time to read what we post, make postings of your own and let us know what you think. It is our desire to have a community here that will be responsive concerning employee relations, team building, leadership and/or any other topic that deals with people and how we can work better together.

Posted here will be: bi-weekly updates of Hull & Associates’ status, more in-depth analysis of certain newsletter topics, and letters that I have received. I would greatly appreciate your comments, solutions and suggestions. I am certain that together we will have many more great ideas.

In addition to all of this, recent newsletters will also be available for download at the links section on this blog.

Again, if you have any thoughts, questions or comments, we look forward to your posting them as well.

Thanks so much for your participation.
Best regards,
Dr. Mimi Hull